Conquering Fear With Jesus

Living in a world that is constantly changing and that looks less like Jesus every day can stir up anxieties, uncertainties and leave us with just crumbs of faith to hold on to. The worst part about anxiety is the crippling fear of the unknown. The anticipation and unfamiliarity of what to expect, whether it’s regarding the future or present moment, can truly derail your entire day. In other words, we can literally lose all of today when we stress about tomorrow. In those moments, or sometimes entire seasons, it can feel like an overwhelming task to do anything more than just get up and get through the day. But, friend, you are not alone

So, how do we battle fear and uncertainty? Jesus. Giving Him the final authority over our restless hearts and deciding once and for all that He alone is the unwavering CONSTANT of our lives. 

Let’s Dig Deeper. When I wake up in the morning, do I open up Instagram or my Bible app? Am I feeding on the world before I open up the Word of God? I have noticed my anxieties grow in proportion to the distance I am away from God. Now, God never promised that every day would be easy, but being consistently in the Word and praying to the Lord should always be our first response, rather than a last resort. One way I combat anxiety is by intentionally laying whatever it is that’s troubling me at the feet of Jesus and trading fear for faith.“Truly my soul finds rest in God.” - Psalm 62:1 

Even Jesus felt human emotions. An example of this can be found in the book of Matthew: Jesus expresses His feelings of anguish and concern to Peter and the two sons of Zebedee (“My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death...” - Matthew 26:38). Despite knowing the future, the Son of God still had a human reaction, but instead of anxiety, distress or discouragement, Jesus chose to give it all to His Heavenly Father. He laid His burdens down through prayer. This goes to show that we shouldn’t feel guilt or shame about the reality of having human emotions; it’s what we do with them. Choose to take those uncertainties and prayerfully give them to God. 

All throughout the Bible, it’s referenced that Jesus needed solitude to decompress and pray. We should be like that too. Think of going to God like recharging a battery. Feel those emotions with a grateful heart. Remember, itʼs okay to need private moments with God. Quite honestly, it’s essential for your relationship with Him. Time with God will bring clarity, trust and will strengthen your faith. “After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside to pray. Later that night, he was there alone.” - Matthew 14:23 

In a world with constant chaos and spiritual battles, find your rest in God and His unwavering love and faithfulness. His wisdom, steady assurance and unconditional grace. Ultimately, the answer is to battle it with Him and through Him, and it’s because of Him that we will be successful in overcoming it. 

Verses for Battle
*John 15:18  
*Philippians 4:6-7 
*1 Peter 5:7  
*Matthew 6:34 
*Matthew 7:7-8 

Elevated Faith Ambassador, 
- Melanie // @mellovesyhuxoxo


  • Angelina Marsiglio

    Beautifully written and most certainly hit home. You should be incredibly proud of yourself kiddo!

  • Sara

    What a beautiful message about how we should live day by day walking with God who is the one source of true everlasting peace❤️

  • Kim Dziabua

    What an amazing message!! This one really touched my heart today!! Thank you ❤️

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