From Love, Not For Love

“From love, not for love.” 
Are your heart, character and actions aligned with this? 
Or are you desperate to be seen? Is your heart striving for love, or is it completely confident that it IS loved?

It’s okay if you’re not there yet. But instead of chasing people, let’s seek the Source. 

As a friend reminded me recently, “Let God love you, and let God love others through you.” 
Love is the point; it’s the reason, and it’s always worth it. 

Let’s be people that are so convinced that we ARE loved by Him, that everything we do comes from that place. 
This will change our entire lives.

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” - Corinthians 13:13

Carly Lynn xo // @carlylynn

*Prompts for you to print off
Space to be unfiltered and honest about how you feel.

1. Reflect on reasons why you might strive to be loved by people, instead of God:


2. Identify scriptures that speak to this:


3. Write down prayers to pray over yourself and invite God to help you:


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