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A collection of stories from around the world that gives hope, provides strength, and inspires others to share their faith.
"I've always loved bracelets and especially like wearing jewelry with a message or story behind it. I purchased the promise collection previously because it reminded me of the first gift I received from my husband back when we were first dating. I wear that bracelet just about every day to remind myself of that time, but also the promise I made to him when I said my wedding vows. They were in reflection of what Jesus has done for me, promising to never leave me or forsake me. It's a constant reminder of the love God has shown me that I can now share with my husband. What a great and loving God we serve. I love your company and the story being told. It has inspired me to be even more open about my faith because we don't know who is watching. We are to be the hands and feet of our heavenly Father even more now in our crazy world. As a teacher, I've had the amazing opportunity for 10 years now to pour into the lives of my students. It has given me the greatest purpose in this life and my prayer is one day they will see Jesus through me."