Can We Be Honest?
For the one who needs permission to be honest.
When was the last time you were really honest with God? The kind of honest that doesn’t cover up, hide or put a filter on. The kind that sets aside the time, sits down and is honest without worrying whether you’re too much or crossing the line.
He’s God, He's good and He's big enough to handle it. He isn’t scared of your emotions. He knows you. He sees the things that no one else does. He sees how you’ve shown up with a smile on your face but a heart that’s broken, struggling and just going through the motions.
To the one who needs fresh grace, a safe place and a gentle reminder, this is for you. You don’t have to hide here. He’s the Answer you’re looking for, and this is where you will find new hope, fresh faith and the strength to keep going.
I know you’ve been through a lot, I know you’re tired and your trust has been tarnished.
But no matter what you do, don’t stop coming to Jesus.
“The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” - Psalm 145:18
Take the time to be honest with God this weekend. Spend time with Him and let Him in.
- Carly Lynn // @car1ylynn
*Prompts for you to print off ↓
Things I want to be honest about:
Space to be unfiltered and honest about how you feel.
Tell God how you feel, and then ask how He feels about what you shared.
Scriptures that speak to how you are feeling/the season you are walking through:
Please forgive me for:
Please help me with:
Please reveal to me:
Please lead me in:
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