Faithful With Little

Choose today to be faithful in every area of your life. Over the big things, the little things & every assignment, conversation, relationship, responsibility, resource & detail in between.

The Holy Spirit is a really good personal trainer.
He will teach you, lead you and when necessary, He will convict you.
Tune your heart to hear His voice, be faithful and watch what happens.

There isn’t a single thing you’re hiding from God that He doesn’t see. Choose to be faithful. Set your heart on the altar and give Him everything: Knowing He sees you in seasons when no one else does and remembering that He is your most important audience when everyone is watching and promotion comes.

*Luke 16:10
"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much,
and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much."

Maybe you aren’t being promoted over big things because you aren’t faithful in the seemingly small things. Maybe God needs to refine some parts of your heart so you can be trusted in private and in public.

Being faithful in the little things is actually a big thing. Choose to be faithful; it’s worth it.

- Carly Lynn // @car1ylynn

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