Perfect Peace

In the midst of a trying season, I’ve had “PERFECT PEACE” written on my left hand. 

I often write scriptures or words that I’m clinging to on my hand so that I’m constantly reminded of what’s true. I want them close.

I don’t want to forget. I can’t afford to forget, even for an hour, what He’s teaching me or what He says. As I’m constantly bombarded with the opposite in a broken world, I keep what He’s saying close. It’s a weapon against fear, against lies, against anything that isn’t God.

I’m human. My feelings are real, but that doesn’t mean they are true. He is teaching me how to process them with Him, instead of trying to push them away or suppress them. He’s teaching me how to discern what’s good and what to do with what isn’t.

So, when fear tries to intimidate me and anxiety tries to overwhelm me, 

I see those 12 letters written on my hand.  

When depression tries to completely deplete and defeat me, 

I see those 12 letters written on my hand.

When stress tries to dictate my schedule and take me away from what’s most important, I see those 12 letters written on my hand.

When the world wages war, I remember what’s true, and 

I consciously choose perfect peace. I choose Him.

“You will keep in perfect peace 

those whose minds are steadfast,

because they trust in you.”

Isaiah 26:3

-Carly Lynn


  • patricia christian

    Thank you for the “Perfect Peace” comment. Just what I needed.

  • patricia christian

    Loved the “Perfect Peace” and shall try this each day.. Thank you.

  • patricia christian

    Oh thank you so much. That is just what I needed. I shall try that every day. I had been scammed and it was so
    frightening, but Perfect Peace is just what I needed. Thank you again.

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