Resurrection Power

The death, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus are anything but casual. They’re holy, and they change everything. As born-again believers, our entire faith is rooted, grounded and verified in the truth of what Jesus Christ did at Calvary.

Did you know that that same Resurrection Power from 2,000 years ago is available for you today? Right here, right now? (Romans 8:11)

What do you need resurrected in your life? 

Hope? Health? Maybe a relationship? 
Joy? Passion and purpose? Peace? 
Your career? Your family? Your heart?

Jesus came for this and paid for this, too.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; 
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” 
John 10:10

We all have wounded places, desperate situations, broken dreams and hearts that need healing. And in bold faith, with holy anticipation, we are personally invited to shout “Hosanna” to the King of kings in every circumstance and season of our lives. 

So, today may we hand over our unmet expectations, empty disappointments and everything we thought our lives might look like, so we can walk into the miracle of what God wants to do. 

With God, dry bones don’t stay that way. 
He gives beauty for ashes and brings dead things to life.

When you hold your dreams, desires, timeline and to-do list with open hands and a loose grip, you get to watch God do what only He can do. You will live differently, see differently and through grace with faith, begin to trust supernaturally. 

What happened at Calvary isn’t a story; it’s real, factual history. And God is inviting us continuously into the miracle of new life. His way is better, and His timing is perfect.

Let Him resurrect what seemed dead and done.
He is exactly who He says He is. Invite Him in to show you and prove it.

With Jesus, your story doesn’t end in failure. 
New life begins now. Resurrection power is here.

“He is not here; He has risen, just as He said.”
Matthew 28:6

- Carly Lynn // @car1ylynn


  • Mary Lynn E Larson

    I draw so much from your words of truth. Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom, faith and reality.

  • Lynne

    Beautiful message! So true to the point about our Jesus and the wonderful life of knowing Him.

  • James Longfield

    Jesus saved all of US Thank you 😊 💓

  • Tiffany Todd

    All Glory To God 🙌 ❤️ In Jesus Name, Amen 🙌❤

  • Amy Kolm

    Love this!!!
    What a wonderful testimony of God’s great love and grace to all of us!!

  • Ruby Lopez Caban

    AMEN!! He has risen and he’s coming back very soon.

  • Valerie

    This was just lovely! Thank you! He has risen!!! ♥️

  • Angela Brooks


  • Sandy Lantow

    He, indeed has risen. Alleluia!

  • Traci Soriano

    Thank you!
    Amen, and Hosanna to the King of Kings!
    Happy Easter and many more blessings on your family and business. All for His Glory 🥰

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