Where Are You Looking For Love?

“When we love Him most, we love others best.” 

This isn’t just a Pinterest worthy quote, this is something I’ve learned first hand and am sharing it from the deep depths of my heart. When we make Him the utmost priority, desire and affection of our heart, our heart changes. Something happens, supernatural heart surgery happens.

“And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.” Ezekiel 36:26

God’s love is far from what the world defines it as, and for me personally, this is really good news. The world’s definition of love broke me, disappointed me, used me and abused me. The world’s definition of love is self seeking, it isn’t patient, it’s far from kind and it doesn’t stay when life gets messy. This is because it isn’t really love at all; at most, it’s lust. It’s fleeting, conditional, and surface level.

The entire world is looking for love - in other people, in dating apps, in engagement rings and in marriage. In accomplishments, in sports, in money and in fame. There’s lots of quick-fixes, but there’s only one Real Thing.

The problem is that our love burns out. Worldly love wears thin. Without a greater source to draw from, everything eventually dries up. We must have a source of perfect love to draw from so that we can be filled up, and from being full ourselves, we can then pour out and into others.

So friend, where are you looking for love?

I don’t want a conditional love; I want the real thing. And that is 100% only found in Jesus.


-Carly Lynn

1 comment

  • David Lafleche

    There is no love in this world, so we might as well look to Heaven to get it.

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