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A collection of stories from around the world that gives hope, provides strength, and inspires others to share their faith.
"I lost my grandpa this past year due to cancer. I was devastated and didn’t know how I could live without him. His favorite bible verse was “be still and know that I am god” psalms 46:10 and when i saw the be still ring on this website I fell in love with it and bought it immediately. This ring is really special to me and now it feels like I have a little piece of him with me when I wear that ring."
"I got the “be still” ring and I usually get rings to play with them on my hands if I’m feeling anxious at all through the day (plus these ones are super cute!). Now, when I start doing that, I read the “be still” and am reminded that whatever may be causing my anxiety is nothing compared to God’s peace and his promise to hold our burdens. It reminds me to personally be still because I know God’s in control always!"