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A collection of stories from around the world that gives hope, provides strength, and inspires others to share their faith.
"One day when I was doing my usual heartless social media scrolling like I always did for hour on hours on end, gaining nothing but pain and insecurities from all the lies and deception that comes from social media platforms. But at one point I noticed this one post from this woman that just kept coming up. So I finally decided to take a look at the post and I discovered that the hoodie she was wearing a friend in Jesus! And that one line, "What a friend we have in Jesus" it hit me like a train. I had been living in a kind of lonely life, I had few friends that weren't the right kind or people and I was constantly trying to find satisfaction in something but could never find any. After I saw that post I started to follow the EF page and I began to feel like I was missing something, like I had a huge hole Inside me. I went to my cousins house and told her all about this new event happening in my life and she told me right then and there that I needed Christ in my life. She told me about how Jesus died so that I could live in Gods love forever. Over supper, right then and there I became a follower of God. And now here I am more that 3 years later and I'm helping in my church's Awana and I feel fulfilled and happy with my life in Christ."
"I was widowed in 2019, left with my four year old child and knowing his father was never coming home from work that day…I met Jesus on my living room floor. It was painstakingly clear I needed higher help. I cried out His name with nothing left. Ever since that moment I have been helped. My life has transformed from tragedy to a story of hope all because of Jesus. In 2022 I re-married and took my life back from what the enemy tried to steal. I wear this jacket as a beacon of hope. I have received many praises on this jacket but the core of the message “what a friend we have in Jesus” is a statement that holds indescribable meaning. From the depths of a guttural cry, He listens. This jacket is a witness of restoration in Christ. When there is no other name to cry, choose His name and watch Him rescue you— wherever you are. Forget superhero’s and magic, Jesus is alive, and meeting him has changed my entire story line. Thank you Elevated Faith for helping me witness His love, everywhere I go."
"Became a believer in 2020 but still find myself having a hard time talking to others about Jesus even though it’s what helped me become a believer so I ordered two jackets to help spread the message to others and hopefully spark a conversation about how Jesus called on me to become a Christian and how it has given me hope and a love I needed in my families life."