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A collection of stories from around the world that gives hope, provides strength, and inspires others to share their faith.
"I became a believer in 2011, and I am 100% not ashamed of the gospel, LOVE God, and love being able to talk about Him with others. What you all are doing at Elevated Faith is certainly paving the way for incredible conversations to happen. All it takes is someone's curiosity over my WWJD bracelet, or something else I'm wearing that points to Christ. I'm honestly really proud to wear my WWJD bracelet, and excited about the possible opportunities it could give me any day to talk about Jesus. It's simple, not in your face, and such a good reminder for me too to think about Jesus, what He would do, and how to keep Him constantly on my mind. Your products are really powerful, and I'm honestly really excited to share them with others! I'm in your affiliate program as well, and cannot WAIT to bring other people into the beauty of this mission and what you all are doing! Thank you!"
"I was in school and my friend asked me where I got my bracelet at. I told him that I got it off of a website called elevated faith. He said he really likes it and wants one. I asked him what it stands for just to see if he knew. He did not know so I told him and he said that makes him want one even more. His birthday is coming up and I just bought one for him and I'm really excited to give it to him. Thank you elevated faith for allowing me to spread my faith and help others learn about Jesus."
"So I was at a coffee shop, and when I was purchasing my coffee the person checking me out asked me about my bracelet. I love wearing this, because it's a good conversation starter! So when the person asked me, I was very open, and I said it stands for: What Would Jesus Do. I was able to share with them the Love of Christ, and I was able to get across what God has done for them. I would love to have more of these to just hand out to friends and family!"