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A collection of stories from around the world that gives hope, provides strength, and inspires others to share their faith.
"I was talking to my non-Christian friend about my promise ring. She noticed it, and she thought it was super cute. And I got to share my whole entire testimony with her because of this ring. It gave me an opportunity to talk about all the stuff that I used to do in the past and why I don't do it now - and my promise to God! How I was searching for love, yet I was avoiding the Creator of it."
"My parents got me this promise ring from elevated faith, I got so excited because this is my first ring to own, but eventually I kinda fell apart from God, so later on I got back with the Lord, so I decided to use my promise ring as a reminder as a purity and reminder of the Lord’s promise, I didn’t ever want to take it off because when I remember of that reminder, it was like as if the Lord spoke through into my heart 🤍"
"I can't wait for more conversations about my ring and to connect with people who have struggled with the same things. I can't wait to tell them of the same promises that they could make and how God has been so good through it all! His mercies are new every day and His love is everlasting. He never runs out of forgiveness and He is there to pick me up when I fall. He works within us every day to make us into the people we are called to be. This doesn't mean we wont stumble, but it does mean that He will always be there to pick us up and He will be there to help us break old habits if we allow it. God bless and don't forget, God loves you unconditionally!"