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A collection of stories from around the world that gives hope, provides strength, and inspires others to share their faith.
"The distance collection bracelets are amazing!! I bought them for me and my boyfriend before we went off to college almost 2,000 miles apart. They are great reminders of our faith and each other to wear every day :)"
"In 2019, I helped my ex boyfriend start his own apparel brand. I worked on orders with him, dedicated all of my free time to helping him with a back log of orders. I was in a rough part in my faith, and therefore I had a very hard time seeing how poorly he treated me. I dedicated much more to him than he did to me. I had never been in a serious relationship prior to him. I always knew what I wanted and how I should be treated because I was close with God. But because I was struggling in my faith, I lost my self worth. Then I began to realize he was bad for me and for my faith. Two years later, I found Elevated Faith. I hated seeing apparel ads on Instagram because of the trauma from my last relationship, especially Christian brands. He claimed his brand was a Christian apparel brand. But after viewing the company and their open community and love for God, I fell in love with Christian small business again. In middle school I decided I wanted to pursue youth ministry, and I am now a freshman in college, pursuing God and discipleship on campus. I want more clothing to invite a conversation about Jesus and what He has done for us. I am so thankful for Elevated Faith."