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A collection of stories from around the world that gives hope, provides strength, and inspires others to share their faith.
"I recently bought the Jericho bracelet because it reminds me that God always has a plan no matter if it feels like it doesn’t make sense. When I was in 8th grade my family told me I was going to move back to a town in California that I really did not like. For all I knew my dad got a job and that’s the reason we moved but a month after we moved we found out late in August that my dads mother, my grandma, had stage 4 pancreatic cancer. The doctors said she had 10 months to live which meant to me that she would be there for thanksgiving, Christmas, and my birthday. A couple weeks past and the cancer got worse and those 10 months turned into 3 and then that turned into a couple weeks. We found out in late August and on October 26th she passed away. I was devastated but I realized that if we would not have moved I wouldn’t have got a chance to say goodbye. Whenever I think why is this happening I remember this time because it reminds me that everything happens for a reason and trust in Gods plan."
"The Jericho bracelet has helped me through 2020 and all of the challenges I faced from school to family health. It helps me remember that God guides me through my trials and that my faith and trust in God will help me through my troubles. The bracelet also helps remind me of how loving God is and how great His grace is for us."