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A collection of stories from around the world that gives hope, provides strength, and inspires others to share their faith.
"Last year I started my year pretty rough and as much as I hate to say it I think I was depressed. I had such a negative mindset and it just felt like everything I wanted to happen never would. It got to the point to where I was so upset that I cried out to God and began questioning him. I remember I cried until I fell asleep. The sleep I got that night was something I can’t fully describe. It felt like I was sleeping in a pair of hands! I was sleeping in the Lords hands and he was watching over me. It’s like he was telling me that he has me in the palm of his hand. Elevated faith to me means so much because the apparel and the rings are my constant reminders of his goodness. The Jesus Saves Ring is my favorite and I wear it everyday as my constant reminder that Jesus Saves. He saved me!"